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Screensaver Maker
Screen Saver Saver
Screen Saver Builder
Description: | Easy Screen Saver Workshop is a software that can Create images slideshow / animated sprites / flash based screen savers without progamming,Creating your own shareware / freeware screen savers, just collect your favorite images, music, MP3, flash files. It also has an easy way to use projects you created as default screen saver of your computer with unlimited amount of images/music.
Why not download a trial version? It's free. | Download a free trial version Buy Now for only US$19.95 Features: Screen saver creation Create images slideshow screen savers with music
Create animation sprites screen savers with music
Create Micromedia flash screen savers with music
Create multiple screen savers projects
Use these projects as screen saver of your own computer and easily change to each other Add an unlimited amount of your animated sprites images (moving objects)
Supports (BMP, JPEG, JPG, GIF, DIB) image formats Add an unlimited amount of your music as background music
Supports (MP3, MOD, WMA, XM, IT, MIDI, WAVE,.MDZ,.S3M,.ITZ) formats
Support (SWF) formats Image transition effects with random order
Display images in sequence or in random order
Display images in center screen or in random position within screen
Play background music in sequence or in random order Customize the animated sprites start position, movement, speed, behavior
Thumbnail preview of images
Animating preview of sprites
Music player in creating background music Password protection Allow the user to mute the music of the screen saver Distribution of screen saver
Create a single (savername).exe self-installing file that can be emailed or downloaded from a web site
Create shareware/freeware screen savers and make money from internet.
Unlimited royalty-free distribution
Automatic setup/uninstall User-friendly interface
Anti-theft image/content storage with latest encryption technology |