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Frequently Asked Questions
- Why does it skip .mp3 files?
CD to Mp3 Maker saves data to a file very quickly. Make sure that your computer is not running programs that use too much CPU or memory resource. The most common software of this type is anti-virus software, disk clear software and so on.
- Why can't it detect CD-ROM?
Please download a ASPI driver program and install it on your
comp uter.
Why can't I register it with my registration code and
The registration code and name is strict and case sensitive. You'd better copy the registration name and code from the source and paste them to the destination. If you have questions about it, please feel free to E-mail us:
Why can't it rip any tracks?
You may resolve it try the following solutions:
1. Reset the jitter correction values
to default by clicking the
[Reset] button in the CD Options dialog.
2. If it doesn't work, change the CD-ROM type in the CD Settings dialog to Auto detect.
3. If it still doesn't work, try other CD-ROM types respectively. It's also possible
that your drive doesn't support digital audio extraction --
Not all IDE drives support digital audio extraction,
although most SCSI drives support it.
4. If it doesn't work anyway, E-mail us:
support@share2.com . We will provide
support by E-mail.