What's New
4 Add user's function for EasyGrid in PowerBuilder (February
Many new methods was added to the
newest EasyGrid Control 3.33 to support PowerBuilder, now you
can add user function for EasyGrid Control in PowerBuilder.
4 Manipulate
EasyGrid Control's Variant parameter in VC (November
Variant is a common data type in
ActiveX' programming interface, but there is a matter when use
it in VC. Now the matter is fixed
independent chart with EasyGrid ActiveX
Sometimes you want a independent chart, needn't
show it's data nor print, EasyGrid can do it now.
4 Distribute EasyGrid ActiveX(May
To distribute EasyGrid Control, you should add
the following files to your setup package¡Ãcell.ocx ,cell.hlp,mfc42.dll,msvcrt.dll
,odbc32.dll, odbcint.dll ,oleaut32.dll,olepro32.dll.
4 Control focus moving
after edit finish (April 28,2000)
Press Enter to finish editing cell, then current
cell move to the next. The next cell may be left, right, up or
down to the prior cell, according to last time's moving direction.
You can set moving direction by direction key.
4 Add
functions for EasyGrid Spreadsheet (December
EasyGrid has been designed with an opening structure,
you can add functions for EasyGrid in an outside dynamic link
library (.dll) file. you just place your .dll file in the same
directory with EasyGrid.exe, then EasyGrid will load it automatically,
you can use your functions the same way you use EasyGrid's built-in
4 Show Access database's bitmap
object with EasyGrid ActiveX (October 28,1999)
Access supports OLE object data type, the most
common object is bitmap (picture). Adding picture to database
increases it's usability.
4 Fixed pane feature in EasyGrid
Control (May 25,1999)
Fixed pane features needed in many forms, now
you needn't worried about it as EasyGrid Control supports this.
4 Save file to memory buffer
(March 12,1999)
As VBScript can't access local disk files, EasyGrid
Control supply 2 methods: DoSaveToBuffer and DoReadFromBuffer¡¡to
save EasyGrid file to a memory variable, and load from it. You
may send it to Web server or database.
4 Output Html file
(December 22,1998)
We know a number of software which can output
html file, so do EasyGrid Control and EasyGrid Spreadsheet. but
there are some special features in html files created by EasyGrid.
4 Use WHERE clause in EasyGrid ActiveX SQL Query (December
EasyGrid Control support SQL query, use WHERE
clause to Specify which records from the tables listed in the
FROM clause that are affected by a SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
4 EasyGrid Connect to
Microsoft SQL Server (December 28,1998)
With ODBC drivers, EasyGrid can connect to remote
database--Microsoft SQL server.
4 EasyGrid Connect to Sybase (December 28,1998)
With ODBC drivers, EasyGrid can connect to remote
4 EasyGrid Connect
to Oracle (December 28,1998)
With ODBC drivers, EasyGrid can connect to remote
4 Query remote database in Browser with EasyGrid
(December 28,1998)
With ODBC drivers, EasyGrid can connect to remote
database, such as Microsoft SQL server, Sybase and Oracle in Browser.
4 Add user's functions in Delphi
28, 1998)
There are samples in VBDEMO and VCDEMO for how
to add user defined functions, however, the Delphi demo was not
provided before , but the code in Delphi are almost the same as
in VB.