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Frequently Asked Questions
What is MP3 WAV Converter?
MP3 WAV Converter is a hip software tool that helps you to convert batches of mp3 file format into wav file format for burning onto a CD, converting wav file format to the mp3 file format to listen to your favorite wavs but in the smaller mp3 format, also you can use it as mp3 or wave player.
How does it work?
Simply open the songs you want onto the main screen, hit the convert button, and in a short time you will have custom mp3 or wav files! and you can play them or change the options
What is the system requirement?
You will need a Pentium 100 PC or higher, 16MB RAM or more. The operating system should be Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows ME, or Windows XP. Of course, you must have a sound card.
How much hard disk space does the MP3 WAV Converter use ?
if you want convert a mp3 file to wav file, you must be sure that the free hard disk space are more than twelve times of the mp3 file need, else if you want convert a wav file to mp3 file, it only costs 1/12 free hard disk space.
Is your online order form secure?
Yes, it is 100% secure.
Do I have to pay for the upgrades?
No! All upgrades are free to registered MP3 WAV Converter users.
Is tech support free?
Yes! It's free for all.
How much is it?
MP3 WAV Converter costs only $19.95 for full version.
What if I don't want to use my credit card over the Internet?
you can place your order with our customer service team by phone, fax or postal mail.
What happens after I send in the order?
You will receive an email confirming your order shortly after sending the online order form. Then, within 24 hours, you will receive a second email with your registration name, code, and instructions to get started!